Yes I am a bit behind on blogging. However, my son Richard is turning 40 soon and this was a camping trip we took with his family last year. Since he is our favorite I thought this would be a good time to do an update on the blog.

Here are 2 of his handsome boys!

Playing in the field. It rained quite a bit so we had to enjoy it when the sun came out.

Camdon (Richards son)

A really neat tree that someone carved a door into.

Jaron (Richards son)

and here is our favorite son Richard with his father.

We sure enjoyed the trip.

It's good to see Ray relaxing.

Trevon (Richards son)

Taking in the beautiful view from atop a mountain. Richard (our favorite) and Trevon.

Yes thats me.
Well I hope you all got a good laugh at the whole favorite son part of this blog post. This is really Marcy (Jerry's favorite daughter in law, wink-wink) and I high-jacked her blog because a new post was long overdue.