Saturday, February 14, 2009

Notice the Roses

My prince charming brought to my office yesterday
a heart-shaped red velvet cake (which he baked himself),
alone with milk, plates, napkins, cups, etc., to wish us all
a Happy Valentine's day
He even dressed up for the occasion.
What an example of love.
Everyone enjoyed the delicious cake and
I say thank you to this handsome husband of mine.
Doesn't he have the bluest eyes!
This goat is Taco and he belongs to Howard, our youngest son.
His birthday was February 1 and he is 34 years old.
His sweet wife gave him what he wanted
for his birthday - a goat.
This is truly an example of love.
Howard kept saying he wanted a goat to eat the
weeds in his backyard so Tiffani did research on
where to buy a goat. She found out she could possibly
get one at an auction. So the day before his birthday she
goes to an auction, (her first auction ever) bids on the goat
and brings it home to our back yard until Howard's
birthday party the next day.
This is the birthday boy with his weed eating pet Taco.
When Howard saw Taco, he was naturally surprised,
then excited.

My mother, Monreve Hardy, passed away in October,

34 years after her 'prince charming' . She wrote the following:

"Gift of Roses"

"Growing up as an incurable romantic, I was certain that when prince charming

came along on his white charger, his arms would be filled with red roses.

My tall, dark, and handsome prince would bow deeply, the shower me

with roses before sweeping me away on his trusty steed.

Indeed, I did find my prince. He was tall, dark and handsome. But I should

have recognized some flaws in my plan when his white charger turned into a

Santa Fe train and there were no longed for roses.

Several completely flowerless years passed. Then as I was about to

resign myself to a life without roses, a wonderful thing happened.

I began to see that roses are where you find them. They don't always

have red velvet petals or long green stems. This prince of mine had

been showering me with roses all along. I had just failed to notice."

Let's all notice the roses on our journey of life.


Bev said...

My, my, how touched I was by your post today. These Turley boys never cease to amaze me. What a wonderful way for your Valentine to pay tribute to you! And the goat....I'm still cracking up, how clever is that! Then the Roses story.....very touching and heartfelt.... yes, we do each need to appreciate what we have and notice the roses in our lives. Thanks Jerry, this was awesome.

Turleygirl said...

That was beautiful Jerry. Well said. And hey, you did this post by yourself. You did it!

pete/chris whipple said...

Welcome to the blogging world Jerry! I enjoyed the poem so much..and will notice those invisible roses more...